we are digital return logistics

byPeer digitizes and accelerates your entire return process. We are part of your logistics and integrate into already existing systems so the work is simplified. Contact us today and we'll show you how your return process can be improved in a simple way.
byPeer return registration
  • byPeer QR Code

    improved customer experience

    Digital returns become smoother for the consumer and create a simpler experience with clearer communication.

  • byPeer fulfillment optimization

    lowered fullfilment cost

    byPeer helps you reduce your fulfillment costs by optimizing transport, warehouse, customer service and more.

  • byPeer scanning integration

    quicker handling

    We are tightly integrated with your warehouse and support you and them in creating optimized processes at all stages.

  • byPeer transport optimization

    Transport optimization

    We give you the option of flexible transport of your returns so that you can control what articles are to be sent to the warehouse or e.g. store.

  • byPeer warehouse efficiency

    Faster handling

    byPeer is integrated into your WMS, developed based on your processes and thereby contributes to the efficiency of all steps

  • byPeer scanning integration

    Scanning in every step

    Facilitate many steps by using scanning to more quickly identify returns, items and orders.

  • byPeer efficient customer support

    More efficient customer service

    Today, many steps in return handling are done manually by customer service, which with byPeer are instead automated.

  • byPeer volume forecasting

    Volumes & staffing

    You get full control over return volumes and can more easily plan the right staffing for return handling.


byPeer digitizes your returns and creates unique opportunities for acceleration and circularity. With byPeer you get digital return slips, flexible transport routes, optimized return handling in the warehouse and much more.

full digital flow
The return is registered online on your website and you avoid all printed return slips. The consumer receives a digital return slip that they present when submitting the return.
byPeer fully digital return logisitcs
byPeer are integrated to create the most efficient return logistics - with the tools you use today such as e-commerce platform and WMS. Our integrations give you as an e-retailer full control over your returns, refunds and support for customer service. We also create more efficient processes for your warehouse, which receive better support in their entire process from delivery to managed and stored returns.
byPeer integrations with WMS
an efficient warehouse
We become part of your warehouse and your WMS - regardless of whether you have your own warehouse or an external 3PL partner.

With byPeer, the entire flow in the warehouse is optimized - from delivery to handling and relief for customer service. Through close collaboration, we maximize the effects of digitization.
byPeer warehouse efficiency
Sell ​​quickly. Sell ​​directly.
With byPeer, your products are for sale within seconds. We work actively to cut time and create the conditions for your products to be sold quickly again.
byPeer return sales
byPeer offers the possibility of flexible return transport. This means that you can control where you want your returns to be sent and set rules based on category or article. It can e.g. be such that you have an outlet where you want to send part of the returns directly or do a restock in your concept store at the same time as the other returns go to the warehouse.
byPeer transport optimization

we would love to meet you

Feel free to get in touch via the form below and we will schedule a meeting where we will tell you more about byPeer and show you how our service works.

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